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how to recover lost photos from mobile phone?

According to statistics from Gartner and American Census Bureau, more than 80% of the global population possesses mobile phones, which is so tremendous. Nowadays, mobile phones become more and more advanced and intelligent that it can even considered as a “small computer”. With shooting functions and memory cards of large space, some photos are often used to take photos instead of digital cameras and those photos can be shared on Facebook or Twitter directly. As the amount of mobile phones increases, increasing photo loss problems ensue due to the advanced functions. For example, viruses may attack us when we are surfing the internet, thereby resulting in photo loss incidents. And at this time, we need the help of professional photo recovery software in order to carry out photo recovery from mobile phone.

However, various types of memory cards are used in mobile phones and different memory cards may have different file systems. And there is also another complicated case that data loss problems derive from different factors. Facing those problems, we need a piece of powerful photo recovery software that is of multifunction and high compatibility. And, fortunately, we can download this kind of free photo recovery software from Then we’ll briefly introduce it.

Powerful free photo recovery software

This is the starting interface of the recommended photo recovery software. Five photo recovery modules are equipped, which are able to deal with diverse photo loss problems. Besides different types of memory cards, this free photo recovery software also supports many other kinds of storage devices. And diverse file systems have no influence on photo recovery effect. If we want to carry out photo recovery from mobile phone, “Digital Media Recovery” module should be used.  Then we’ll show the detailed operations.

Photo recovery from mobile phone
1.       Please connect the memory card of your mobile phone to the computer (a card reader is suggested) and then launch the free photo recovery software. Then please click “Digital Media Recovery” module and the following interface will be shown.

2.       Please select the memory card and click “Full Scan” to scan it. Then all lost photos in the memory card will be shown, as follows.

3.       Please check the photos that will be recovered and click “Save Files” to store them. However, we’d better not store the recovered photos to the original memory card and we suggest users store them to the computer firstly and then transfer them to the memory card, or photo recovery from mobile phone may fail.

We have accomplished photo recovery from mobile phone successfully via so simple operations. And if you want to recover lost photos from other equipment or in other situations, please visit other pages of this website to get detailed information.

